Monday, February 4, 2008

Still catching up!

This is what many of our (more exciting) days have looked like for the past two weeks! We've been into Jerusalem over five times now, often with Professor Randy Cook as our tour guide. He inundates us with his superfluity of details which we quickly scratch down, and it all ends up being a bit of a blur what with constantly running to keep up with him. I'm surprised that we haven't lost anyone yet! This particular picture was taken at the ruins of an older set of walls built by Hezekiah I think...that's another neat thing about the city, its having been rebuilt so many times creates a very interesting conglomerate of mismatching architechture. The Wailing Wall is actually made up of about four different structures of wall, and each architect had his own idea of how to go about building a wall.


Kate said...

wow, way to beef up ur blogspot with the new background. it fits in well with the whole travel blog feel. oh, and ur semester sounds simply amazing so far. and that's cool about the different architecture. man, i wanna go to Israel...

Pedr North said...

Thanks! I really just slapped it on there in about five seconds, and still need to fix those bothersome transparent pictures. Israel is pretty awesome - I'd highly recommend it :) I didn't realize that you have a blog. Two blogs, even. You should keep it up!

Kate said...

hopefully i will make it over there someday. and yes, i have was for last semester classes and the other for those really late nights when i can't sleep.