Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Catching up, post numero one.

Follow, follow me now on my journey from the scorching desert so devoid of spiritual sentiment, to a land overflowing with religious affections. Melodrama aside, this is my first actual post where I show you what's going on! How? Why, with pictures of course. If I can manage to get them uploaded...there we go.

The first exciting leg of the trip: catching the plane out to Tel-Aviv. Grabbed my ticket, checked my luggage, and said my sad goodbyes to the family before taking off on another lengthy adventure. It will be another twenty hours before my arrival in Israel, and another three and a half months after that before my return to the US and my family.

A little bit higher on the totem pole than the local hotels is the Yad HaShemona, a small Moshav (village) that is the home of Messianic Jews, Finnish missionaries, and other varieties of people. It also doubles as a hotel and retreat center, and is generally a haven for Christians all over the nation of Israel. The name means "Memorial to the Eight", and is named for eight messianic Jews who perished during the holocaust.

Home sweet home, which happens to be a little cement block with holes in it. Don't be fooled though, it's quite charming on the inside. My roommate Troy and I quickly got all of our stuff settled nicely, and the showers are surprisingly nice and warm. All in all I think the harshness of the living conditions was a tad overrated - except for the weather. Boy is it chilly over here :(

Unfortunately this is where I have to stop, because I have a lot of reading and a little bit of writing to do before tomorrow. I've got plenty of much more interesting pictures than the drab things you see here, so check back later!


David Robison said...

Glad to hear your getting all settled in. Judging from pictures I've been seeing of you all over face book, looks like you're having a good time.

Unknown said...

Peter! I'm glad you put some pictures up. :) The room/house you are living in actually looks quite nice, even if it's a cement block with holes in it! I'm waiting to hear more about where you are going and what you are learning...Xenia misses you, so make sure you come back! :)


Kate said...

yay! pictures!! AND descriptions! looks and sounds amazing...but u better get all that work done quickly so u can post more ;) what's the weather like besides cold? wind, rain, snow? hmm. well stay warm. we miss you! and i second the "make sure you come back" comment.